5 symptoms of Harm OCD that you must not ignore

Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) is a condition where individuals experience symptoms of PTSD along with additional symptoms. While mindfulness is often recommended as a crucial strategy for healing from trauma, especially in cases of C-PTSD, it’s recognized that traditional mindfulness practices may not resonate with everyone, particularly those who have experienced chronic trauma.

Harm OCD, a manifestation of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), involves persistent fears and worries about unintentionally causing harm to others. Here’s what Harm OCD commonly looks like:

– Constant worry about accidentally harming someone, leading to feelings of fear and anxiety.
– Concerns about potentially harming loved ones, which can result in feelings of isolation.
– Engaging in repetitive checking behaviors to ensure safety, even after previously confirming it.
– Seeking reassurance and validation from others to alleviate fears of causing harm.
– Avoiding situations or objects, such as sharp objects or driving, that may trigger thoughts of harming others.

These symptoms illustrate the challenges faced by individuals with Harm OCD, highlighting the importance of understanding and addressing their unique experiences in therapy and treatment.