7 Health Benefits of Pineapple 


Pineapple has various roles to be played, whether to be used as a topping to a pizza or eating tropical fruit. Eating this tropical fruit gives you enough sweet taste. Pineapple is made up of 85% water and is a great source of hydration against the scorching heat during summers.

Pineapple is a storehouse of Vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, manganese is present in raw pineapple, which is essential for bone health, healing wounds, and much more health benefits.

Pineapple has varied health benefits other than being an exotic food.

1. Aids Weight Loss
Pineapple is a bootstrapper of nutrients that promotes weight loss. It has fewer calories and a good amount of fiber. Moreover, it contains soluble and insoluble fiber that smoother digestion.
The fruit is a storehouse of bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme that helps in increasing metabolic rate and keeps a person full, hydrated, and thus promoting weight loss.

2. Maintain Bones
An exceptional source of manganese present in the pineapple empowers strength to the bones. A research study confirms the fact that manganese synthesizes cartilage and bone collagen. The daily consumption of pineapple will provide minerals to individual bones.

3. Reduces the risk of cataract
Pineapple is enriched with a high amount of Vitamin C that prevents eye damage and cataract formation in the ocular lens. A study by Taiwanese Researchers was published in The Journal of American Science that discusses the regular consumption of pineapple in association with the reduction of eye floaters.

4. Gives radiant skin glow:  
Pineapple has AHAs, ascorbic acids and bromelain that act as a natural exfoliant for the skin. They automatically cure the dark spots, decrease the redness or swelling and end up giving a radiant, youthful glow.

5. Stimulates Energy  
Among many other benefits, Pineapple is good for the weak person and has low fatigue. Its juice has a power that acts as a natural energizer. In this fruit, Vitamin C is present that stimulates energy and gives attentiveness. Pineapple also contains nutrients such as manganese, copper, and vitamins B6 which are responsible for energy production.

6. Treat Blood Clots:
Pineapples include Bromelain that influences blood coagulation. It decreases the risk of blood clots, dissolves existing blood clots, and prevents from catching serious diseases. To prevent serious health illnesses, eat pineapple daily.

7. Controls Blood Pressure
The presence of potassium in pineapple is a booster to lower blood pressure levels.
As per the experts, 1 cup serving of pineapple contains 109 mg of potassium which controls high blood pressure. The fruit also has a lesser amount of sodium, which is a remedy for patients suffering from hypertension. Pineapple provides unique long and short-term health benefits.