8 easy tips to prevent eye infection from smog

Ocular health is among the many aspects of our health that are being negatively impacted by the high levels of pollution in Delhi-NCR. Visual problems are certain to get worse when eye strain and pollution combine. People who are exposed to air pollutants including dust, nitrogen dioxide, and carbon monoxide are more likely to experience various eye allergies and red, watery eyes. Wearing protective eyewear and eating a diet rich in fiber, vitamins, and other vital nutrients will help maintain the health of your eyes. Reducing the negative impacts of pollution can also be accomplished by drinking lots of water.

Here are eight guidelines to reduce your risk of infection:

• Steer clear of dangerous pollution exposure. Remain inside, particularly during the early morning hours when pollution is at its most. Wearing protective eyewear will assist lessen your exposure to the substances that cause pollution should you need to venture outside.

• Avoid touching your eyes and wash your hands often with soap and running water.

• Drink lots of water to stay hydrated, since this will promote proper tear production. When outside variables like smog increase the risk of dry eyes and eye irritation, it is vital.

• Consume a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are particularly beneficial for the eyes. This diet should include lots of green leafy vegetables, carrots, spinach, almonds, walnuts, berries, and salmon.

• When you’re outside, wear sunglasses.

  • Keep your hands off your eyes.

• To moisten your eyes, use eye drops. Nonetheless, it’s crucial to have an eye inspection before applying any eye drops.

• Reduce the overuse of screen gadgets as well, such as laptops and cell phones. If necessary, make sure you get enough sleep to prevent computer vision syndrome, dry eyes, and eye fatigue.

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