9 Home remedies to ease down heart burn


When a person suffers burn, immediately beneath the heart, is known as heartburn. Acid reflux is a very uncomfortable condition that is brought on by stomach acid splashing up into the tube that joins the back of your throat and stomach.

After an evening meal, when lying down, or when leaning over, the discomfort typically worsens. To fix the sufferer one can use home remedies or alter their lifestyle.

However, if the heartburn is persistent or severe, a doctor should be consulted.

  • Refrain from eating excessively, especially in the evenings.
  • Eating too rapidly can cause acid reflux.
  • Lying face down shortly after eating.
  • Being overweight can also cause acid reflux.
  • Stop smoking to treat the difficulty.
  • Stop taking stress as stress and depression can make the condition worse.

Excessive intake of fizzy drinks, chocolate, peppermint, chocolate-based sources, alcohol, caffeine, spicy meals, and foods high in heat are the reasons that develop heat burn.

The following are symptoms of heartburn:

  • A burning sensation in the chest that lasts for a few minutes to many hours.
  • Trouble breathing while bending over or lying down.
  • A throat scorching feeling.
  • Problems while swallowing food
  • A salty, bitter, or acidic aftertaste in the throat.

Home remedies for treating and preventing heartburn

  • When going through heart burn try to eat a ripe banana since it has a lot of potassium, which can help to offset the pain that causes reflux. Make a careful choice while you select a ripe banana.
  • Dietary chewing gum: Chew sugar-free gum to promote salivation. Saliva aids in swallowing, which lowers the quantity of acid in the body and eliminates heartburn.
  • Keep a meal log to identify trigger foods and stay away from them. As indicated before, identify the items that cause heartburn. By creating a dietary chart, you may achieve good health results.
  • Eat slowly and in small portions: Mindlessly eating big amounts of food puts a strain on the diaphragm that prevents acidity. Eat little and often, and chew your meal thoroughly.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothing: Tight belts, clothing, and undergarments increase pressure on the abdomen, worsening heartburn symptoms.
  • Eat three hours before bedtime: Eat timely before bed since lying down on an empty stomach might cause heartburn.
  • Choose the proper sleeping posture: Try to fall asleep on the left side to assist with digestion and reduce gastrointestinal heartburn. While you’re sleeping, your head, chest, and feet should be higher than your feet.
  • Try to lose weight: If you are overweight, try to lose fat because it increases the risk of heartburn by putting additional pressure on the stomach.
  • Stop using cigarettes: Smoking decreases salivation, which leads to the creation of stomach acid.