Several factors can enable the ageing process of the skin. Things like pollution, sun exposure, smoking, an unhealthy diet, inadequate cleansing and moisturising of skin can all contribute to the skin ageing faster than it naturally should. Dark circles, scars or black spots around the eyes can also make you look older. You need to check if you have any nutritional deficiencies.
Some skincare experts explained that another reason behind the early ageing is the excess use of phones and electronics as your eyes witness screen exposure. To delay this further either you can use dermatologist proven cosmetics or products or you can perform home remedies that will give positive results.
From yoghurt to honey, from papayas to rose water, there is enough to choose from. All of these ingredients come with anti-ageing and skin protection benefits, without any side effects.
Here is the list of home remedies that will give magnificent results to your problem.
Olive Oil or Coconut oil:
You can massage around the eyes in circulation motion with either olive oil or coconut oil.
Almond oil paste:
Take five drops of almond oil with half an avocado and make it into a fine paste, says the dermatologist. Apply around the eye area and wash after 15-20 minutes.
Aloe Vera gel:
Extract fresh aloe vera and mix some mint leaves which will soften and give your eyes relief.
As we all know, that cucumber is hydrating and gives a soothing effect so taking some cucumber slices under the eye will give the maximum benefit to the skin ageing.
Eat a handful of almonds as they are enriched in Vitamin E which has essential fatty acids that keep the skin nourished and hydrated.
Tomatoes can boost your skin’s ability to protect against sun damage. According to a study, presented at the British Society for Investigative Dermatology, the antioxidant lycopene found in tomatoes can protect the skin from harmful UV rays.