2023’s International Yoga Day: Fostering concentration in youngsters has become an increasingly important task in today’s fast-paced society, when distractions are common and attention spans are shortening. As guardians, educators, and parents, we work hard to give our kids the resources they need to achieve academically and emotionally. Among the many methods available, yoga stands out for having a profound effect on both the mind and the body. Yoga offers a holistic approach that goes far beyond simple physical activity and can considerably increase a child’s capacity to focus, which in turn improves academic performance and emotional well-being. We can equip our kids with the clarity, resilience, and steadfast focus they need to face the difficulties of the modern world by introducing yoga practices into their daily life.
Some yoga poses with an emphasis on helping kids focus and pay attention include:
1. The Crow Pose, or Bakasana
Lay your palms flat and slightly to the side in front of your feet while stooping forward. Your fingers should all be facing forward and far apart. Lean forward until your arms are bearing the entirety of your weight. Find your equilibrium. Lift your feet off the ground slowly, both of them. Place your knees directly below your armpits while bending your elbows slightly. Hold this position for a while by bringing your feet together, trying to maintain your arms as straight as you can, and focusing only on one area.
2. The Baby Crow Pose, or Bal Bakasana
Starting from Marjariasana, Keep your elbows straight. Leaning forward until your triceps are supporting your full body weight, spread your fingers apart and point them forward. Lift both of your feet slowly once you’ve achieved your equilibrium. You should have your feet together.
3. Headstand Pose, Sirshasana
The first pose is called vajrasana. Your elbows should be flat on the floor and your palms should be interlocked to form an imagined equilateral triangle. Your palms should be placed in front of your crown, which should be on the ground. Your palms should be supporting the back of your head. Then, walk with your toes pointing in the direction of your head until your back is straight. First, raise your right leg and position it in front of your upper chest. Join your legs and point your toes downward while using your core strength to balance and lift your left leg. As long as it is comfortable for you, maintain this position.