In many areas of the country, dengue cases are on the rise, in part because of the recent severe rains and flooding. Aedes mosquito bites transmit the virus that causes dengue fever to humans. When the illness is mild, it can cause a high temperature, body aches, headaches, skin rashes, nausea, and other symptoms. Low blood pressure, low blood platelets, confusion, and bleeding from the gums or nose are only a few of the severe disease symptoms. Although there is no foolproof technique to prevent dengue, the risk of a vector-borne disease can be decreased with the right lifestyle adjustments. To avoid contracting sickness, specialists advise avoiding mosquito bites, eating well, and building immunity.
Important lifestyle changes to avoid contracting dengue:
1. Use insect repellent, wear long sleeves and pants, and sleep with a mosquito net to reduce exposure.
2. Remove mosquito breeding grounds. Regularly empty containers with standing water, such as flower pots, used tires, and exposed water storage.
3. Maintain a clean environment: To stop mosquito breeding, keep your living space and the area surrounding it clean. Maintain regular gutter, drain, and trash can cleanings.
4. Protective clothes: To repel mosquitoes when you’re outside, dress in light-colored, body-covering clothing.
5. Install screens on windows and doors to prevent insects while allowing adequate airflow.
6. Use fans: Since windy conditions make it harder for mosquitoes to fly, utilizing fans indoors and outside might help keep them away.
7. Organic repellents: Surround your home with mosquito-repelling plants including citronella, lemongrass, and mint.
8. Steer clear of mosquito peak times: Early morning and late afternoon are when mosquitoes are most active. Avoid going outside during these times.
9. Travel safety advice: Use insect repellents and wear protective garments while visiting places where dengue is a risk.
10. Personal hygiene: Practice proper personal hygiene because sweat and body odor attract insects.