Following rhe strict SOPs of Covid 19, Deputy Commissioner, Anantnag K. K Sidha visited Khiram and Kabamarg shrines to personally check availability of water, power, health and other allied services ahead of Eid Milad-Un Nabi (SAW). After paying obeisance at the shrines, the DC had a conversation with officials from local Aquaf Bodies and made sure of uninterrupted water and power supply. He also handed over Masks and 2.50 quantals of sugar to the Aquaf Bodies for distribution among devotees on the festival days as a goodwill gesture from district administration. The DC directed Ex. Engineer R&B Qazigund to immediately take up patch working on Kuchaypora-Kabamarg road. Similar direction was also issued to Ex. Engineer R&B Khanabal to repair and renovate half a kilometre stretch from Srigufwara towards Khiram. Interacting with Waqaf officials he said thermal screening of the devotees will be done as a precautionary measure on festival days besides sanitation drives will be worked out by the concerned nearby Muncipal Committees twice daily to spruce up shrine surroundings. During the visit, the DC was accompanied by Additional Deputy Commissioner Gh Hassan Sheikh, AD FCS and FCS&CA besides other officers.