In today’s time, obesity is a major problem faced by people living in big towns and cities because of excessive comfort and unhealthy style of living. This can cause serious heart problems including heart attack and diabetes. Thus, it is essential to maintain our health. The best way you can get rid of excessive fat is by replacing bad fat in your diet with good fat. Here is a differentiation between good and bad fats:


1.Saturated Fats: Saturated fats are present in plenty of food items including dairy and meat. They are also there in chicken, pork, butter, palm oil, and coconut oil. Saturated fats have bad cholesterol which can block our arteries in the long term and lead to heart attack. It also increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. A person should consume 20 to 30gm of saturated fat in a day and not more than that.

2.Trans Fats: They are mostly present in oily and frozen foods. They are created when we reheat oil to fry something. So anything you eat in a restaurant that is fried probably contain trans fat. This increases the amount of LDL cholesterol levels in the body and puts you at a risk of heart attack.


Good Fats:

1.Unsaturated Fats: are present in foods like nuts and oils like olive oil. They help lower the cholesterol levels in the body which are a major reason for heart attack. One should replace butter with olive oil to reduce cholesterol levels.

2.Polyunsaturated Fats: These fats are found in fishes like salmon and trout. They are also present in nuts and seeds and can be beneficial for our health. They help lower the bad cholesterol in the body and also provide us with essential nutrients like Vitamin-E.

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