Here’s how you can beat monsoon aches

When it rains, it pours! While rainfall often brings relief, it can also bring about a nagging feeling of lethargy and spells of soreness. This can be especially problematic if you’re nursing an injury or have a history of serious injuries. Why does this happen? According to a report, atmospheric pressure, humidity, and precipitation—which fluctuate significantly during the monsoon—are to blame. The report explains that a sudden drop in temperature, common during rainy seasons, causes joint fluids to expand, increasing pressure around the joints and sparking pain. It is strongly recommended that severe aches and pains be shown to a certified doctor immediately.

For those experiencing only occasional monsoon blues, these harmless Ayurveda tips can help you coast through the rainy season:


  1. Avoid Hard-to-Digest Foods: When your body is adjusting to weather changes, steer clear of foods that are hard to digest.
  2. Ghee for Joint Lubrication: Consuming ghee is recommended for ensuring joint lubrication.
  3. Replace Curd with Buttermilk: Though healthy, curd can aggravate the kapha dosha during the monsoon; switch to buttermilk instead.
  4. Daily Honey: Incorporate a teaspoon of honey daily to pacify your kapha.
  5. Raw Ginger: Getting used to the taste of raw ginger can help balance both vata and kapha doshas.


  1. Don’t Skip Exercise: Despite the lethargy that comes with damp weather, it’s crucial to stay active. Keep up with your gym routine or, if you’re not into fitness, take brisk walks or do light stretching daily to unlock stiffness in pain-stricken joints.
  2. Stay Warm and Dry: Keep your body warm and your feet dry.
  3. Sunlight in Moderation: While basking in the sun feels great after gloomy rain spells, don’t overdo it.
  4. Avoid Daytime Naps: No matter how tempting, avoid sleeping during the day as it can affect your digestion and metabolism.


To keep all your doshas balanced during the rainy season, here are some foods to avoid:

  1. Limit Non-Vegetarian Food: Minimize consumption of non-vegetarian foods, especially seafood and leafy vegetables, which can harbor water-borne diseases.
  2. Avoid Sour, Spicy, Acidic, and Oily Foods: These can exacerbate imbalances in your doshas.