Chandigarh, June 10: Under the Ayushman Bharat Scheme 15.50 lakh families including 9,25,014 rural households and 6,26,761 urban households figured in SECC 2011 database are entitled to claim benefits in Haryana.
Giving information in this regard an official spokesperson said that 581 hospitals are empanelled in Haryana and health benefits amounting to Rs. 263 crore have been availed in Haryana. He said that around 1500 treatment packages covering surgery, medical and day care treatment, cost of medicines and diagnostic are included under the scheme. A beneficiary can visit any empanelled public or private hospital in India to avail cashless treatment.
He said that this scheme is a flagship programme of Government of India (G0I) with a vision to achieve goal of heath for all, to provide the health benefits of Rs. 5 lakh per year per family to entitled beneficiaries as per SECC 2011 Data. The scheme was announced by Prime Minister, Sh. Narendra Modi on August 15, 2018 on pilot basis, Haryana has been the first state across the country to launch the scheme on September 23, 2018 in all districts Government Hospitals along with ESI hospitals and Medical College Hospitals across the state and first state to raise and pay the claim.
The spokesperson informed that it is with the efforts of empanelled private and public hospitals and CSCs centre in Haryana actively involved in Ayushman Card generation that 2.9 lakh Ayushman Cards of eligible beneficiaries have been generated in Haryana.
He said that the recent rapid spread of COVID Pandemic has caused distress to afflicted people leading to a surge in hospitalization and causing financial burden on the patients, the Haryana Government is taking all measures to combat the pandemic and also making all efforts to make health accessible to general public.
He said that 11,374 COVID patients have availed health benefits amounting to Rs. 5 crore under PMJAY in Haryana. The investigation, treatment and complications of COVID -19 are covered under PMJAY across 261 empanelled hospitals (68 public hospitals and 193 private hospitals) in the state, he added.
He said that the State Government has made a concrete effort to enroll as many families as possible under Ayushman Bharat. Taking first step in that direction the government has decided to include all registered construction workers under the Haryana Building and other Construction Workers’ Welfare Board (HBOCWW) under AB-PMJAY scheme. The benefits of the scheme will be provided additionally to over 4,03,593 non- SECC registered beneficiaries i.e. registered construction workers of HBOCWW Board. The families of these registered construction workers will also be included under the AB- PMJAY Scheme and can avail the benefits, he added.
He said that the eligible beneficiary can check for their eligibility at or by downloading PMJAY App or can check at nearest Ayushman kiosk at empanelled public and private hospitals or CSCs centre.