Can people resume workout after Covid-19 recovery?


Those who have been recovering from Covid-19 and are getting back to routine life can face many challenges. Communicate with your doctors and medical team about what kind of lifestyle habits are and aren’t safe for your health at this hard time.

There are numerous questions being asked after post-covid 19 and one of the frequently asked questions is can people resume their workout after recovery from Covid-19?

Let’s read what experts comment on this. Also, keep these facts in your mind while recovering from the virus.

  • Doctors advise people to start their workout at a slow pace and gradually reintroduce physical activity to your daily routine.
  •  If a patient does not require any hospitalization or oxygen support, they can return to their normal routines in about 2-3 weeks after testing negative for the virus. However, they should resume their activities gradually, not suddenly. This is to avoid any possible lung complications such as chest pain and breathlessness.
  • Before starting the physical activities you should get recommendations from your doctor to develop a plan for easing back into exercise.
  • They say you’ll need to build up the time and intensity of your workouts. Make a start with a brisk walk and then increase the amount of time you are walking. Gradually take about 1 to 2 weeks for this.
  • Ones who had slight symptoms like fever, body pain or weakness can return to their normal routines, exercising after 2 weeks like they used to do before. Make sure you start with light exercises or meditation.
  • However, in many cases patients are experiencing cardiac arrest or a heart attack during or post their recovery from Covid has triggered a sense of fear amongst the community. This in turn has limited people from following their usual workout routine, exercising post their Covid recovery.

When it comes to mild infections, where there is no lung involvement, patients can resume their normal activities. Although tough activities should be avoided for 2 weeks, Doctor recommends, at least mild exercises like walking, brisk walking can be started after 10-12 days or after two weeks of testing negative from the Covid infection. “But if someone feels breathless while performing exercises and cannot resume, like earlier, their symptoms would need to be examined,” the doctor says.

Can heart or lungs patients do exercise post Covid recovery?

  • People suffering from pre-existing heart conditions need to be extra careful during Covid-19 and post their recovery. Diet also plays an integral role in the recovery from Covid-19 which includes coconut water, boiled eggs, less spicy food and sip warm water throughout the day. Heart patients must not do cardio exercises or gym, at least for 3 months post recovery.
  • For those, who experienced severe lung complications and have pre-existing heart conditions, Patients with severe Covid infections who require a ventilator and oxygen. They will take 2-3 months to feel normal and recovered.