India has always been known around the world for the vast variety of spices. These spices form the basis of the Indian cuisine and can be found at every Indian’s home. Without them, no food taste flavourful. A major spice is chilly peppers. Indians love chilly in their food and they cannot manage without red peppers. They not only enhance the colour and taste of the food but are also very beneficial for our health. Here is why –

1. Excessive Nutrition – Chilly peppers contains several vitamins like A and C and also minerals like copper and potassium. The various phytochemicals which give spiciness to chillies are said to cure the body and prevent pain relief. Thus, it is very beneficial for people suffering from joint pains or arthritis.

2. Antioxidant Carotenoids – Chilly peppers are a great source of antioxidant carotenoids. They help boost our health by strengthening our immune system. Red chilly peppers have more of this antioxidant than the green ones.

3. Helpful In Weight Loss – Chilly peppers can also help you lose weight. The capsaicin, a major plant compound found in chilly peppers can help burn excessive fat in the body. It also reduces the urge to eat which prevents you from binge eating on unhealthy food.

4. Help Balance Cholesterol Levels – Chilly peppers are very beneficial for your heart. They reduce the cholesterol levels, thereby, preventing chances of a heart attack. Peppers can also reduce fibrin which leads to formation of blood clots. This can help the blood flow remain constant and uninterrupted.

5. Help In Curing Cold – Chilly peppers have been used since ancient times to treat problems like cough and cold. Eating them can generate heat in the body which in turn helps clearing out our nasal passage, making us feel better.


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