COVID-19 recovered patients emerging as ray of hope in Kishtwar during these critical times

KISHTWAR, MAY 15, 2021: As the second wave of the pandemic has hit the country hard, district Kishtwar has also been adversely affected and persons from all walks of life and society in the district have contracted this virus.
As the virus is creating anxiety among the population, the recovered patients are emerging as the ray of hope among the locals in these critical times.
Three of the COVID-19 survivors who have been discharged today from District Hospital Kishtwar after their complete recovery urged people not to lose hope and follow government guidelines effectively to defeat this dreadful virus.
One of COVID-19 survivor, Chandrawati from Bunjwah Kishtwar aged 87 years old, had tested positive with comorbid conditions and had severe symptoms of breathlessness and loss of Oxygen saturation level.
Chandrawati, being aged and having comorbid conditions was attended by doctors at District Hospital under proper medical guidelines and was given the requisite treatment with utmost care. She overcame this disease, recovered fully and was subsequently discharged from the hospital.
“I would like to thank doctors and nurses for proper treatment of Covid infection and my full recovery”, Chandrawati said.
She urged everyone to follow the social distancing norms, wash hands frequently, stay home and obey government guidelines to defeat the COVID-19 pandemic.
In district Kishtwar, Medical fraternity has been working day and night in hospitals to contain the spread of virus in the district besides providing constant medical attention to the Covid positive patients.
Following all procedures and wearing effective PPE kits to keep this virus at bay, many health professionals and doctors have also contracted this virus in the district.
One of the health professional, Dr.Sajjid is one among the many doctors of District Hospital Kishtwar who contracted this viral disease and has successfully recovered from this infection.
While sharing his experience, he said, “after receiving the positive report, I reached home, isolated myself from family members and followed all due procedures and SOPs”.
During home isolation I took recommended medications and adhered to SOPs and guidelines issued from time to time besides decreased my contact with family members, Dr. Sajjid adds.
He advises people that as soon as your COVID test report comes positive my advice would be to consult doctor immediately and there is no need to panic. Dr. Sajjid adds that most of cases recover at home by following the recommendations of doctors besides one needs to be in touch with the surveillance team.
He further says that maintaining hygiene and following norms like social distancing, use of masks and maintaining Covid appropriate behaviour are basic things which can safeguard a person from this virus.
Based upon his experience, Dr Sajjid advises general public to get vaccinated as it is only boon to safeguard yourself from this infection at present.
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