Governor VP Singh Badnore

Chandigarh 29 July,2020:
Hon’ble Governor of Punjab and Administrator, UT Chandigarh, Sh. VP Singh Badnore today presided over Daily War Room meeting.  The meeting was attended by Sh. Manoj Parida, Adviser to the Administrator, Sh. Arun Gupta, Principal Secretary (Home), Sh. Sanjay Beniwal, Director General of Police, Dr.G. Dewan, Director Health Services & Dr. Srinivasan, Representative of WHO at Punjab Raj Bhawan. The Administrator also interacted with Sh. AK Sinha, Finance Secretary, Sh. KK Yadav, Commissioner, Municipal Corporation and Sh. Mandip Singh Brar, Deputy Commissioner, Chandigarh, Deputy Commissioners of Mohali & Panchkula, Director-PGIMER and Director Principal, GMCH through Video Conferencing.

.At the outset Hon’ble Governor of Punjab and Administrator, UT congratulated PGIMER for successfully conducting heart transplant on a 13 years’ old boy.

2.Dr. Jagat Ram, Director, PGIMER stated that they have tested 866 covid samples, out of which 56 samples were found positive.  Among the positive samples, 39 belong to Chandigarh, 13 belong to Punjab and the rest from other states. He also stated that there are 81 COVID patients, out of which 37 belong to Chandigarh, 38 belong to Punjab and 11 belong to Haryana.  Dr. BS Chavan, Director Principal, GMCH stated that they have tested 246 covid samples, out of which 21 were found positive. Among the positives cases, 15 belong to Chandigarh.  Dr. G. Dewan, Director Health Services stated that they have started third round of door-to-door survey in the entire U.T., Chandigarh. Presently screening is going on in Mauli Jagran area.

3. The Administrator directed PGIMER to have regular meetings with the neighbouring states as per protocol decided mutually, so that the patients can get timely treatment.  He also directed PGIMER authorities to start Sero-testing of healthcare workers and also in certain hotspots as per their own assessment.  He also directed all three hospitals to enhance physical OPDs and tele-medicines.

4.The Administrator directed Sh. Sanjay Beniwal, Director General of Police to ensure strict implementation of social distancing and mask wearing norms and also to check the people coming from outside.

5.The Administrator directed Sh. Arun Kumar Gupta, Principal Secretary Health to focus on micro-containment areas and enhance contact tracing, particularly focusing on source of infection.

6.WHO Representative, Dr. Srinivasan presented a copy of his report regarding Bapu Dham Colony Containment Plan to Hon’ble Governor of Punjab and Administrator, UT, Chandigarh.  The Report highlighted the success of Chandigarh Administration in containing the spread of infection in Bapu Dham Colony.  The Administrator desired that the best practices should be documented and circulated for replication in other parts.

7.Sh. Manoj Parida, Adviser stated that there will be micro-containment zones after mapping of new cases coming up in different sectors and areas.  This will enable the Administration to control infection without causing much hardship to the neighbouring areas.