DM Rajouri reviews functioning of CWC

ਸ੍ਰੀ ਗੁਰੂ ਰਾਮਦਾਸ ਸਾਹਿਬ ਜੀ ਦੇ ਗੁਰਪੁਰਬ ਦੇ ਸਬੰਧ ’ਚ 19 ਅਕਤੂਬਰ ਨੂੰ ਜ਼ਿਲ੍ਹਾ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤਸਰ ‘ਚ ਛੁੱਟੀ ਦਾ ਐਲਾਨ
Seeks effective implementation of Child Welfare schemes
RAJOURI, MAY 04: District Magistrate Rajouri, Rajesh Kumar Shavan today reviewed functioning of Child Welfare Committee, juvenile justice Board (JJB) and prosecution wing, here at a meeting.
The meeting was attended by Additional Deputy Rajouri, Sher Singh; Chief Prosecuting Officer, Shaheen Ahmed Khan; Sr.PO, Shahid Mustafa; Sr.PO, Rukhsar Ahmed Khan; Sr.PO Mohd Sayeed; CPO DDP, Mohd Rafeeq; CPO PP, Vijay Sudan; APP, Mansoor Ahmed Khan; APP, Tanver Anjum; APP, Altaf Hussain; PO ICDS, Kartar Singh; CMO, Dr Shamim Un Nissa Bhatti; Dy.CMO, Dr Anees Altaf Nabi; DSWO, Wakeel Ahmed Bhatt; Anuradha Sharma, Incharge Chairperson CWC Administrator OSC,  Nitu Sharma; Legal cum probationary officer JJB, Shivangi Kant besides Child protection officers, Shawani Gupta , Member CWC; CDPOs, members of the CWC and JJB attended the meeting.
At the outset, the Chief Prosecuting Officer apprised the meeting about the duties and responsibilities entrusted to the wing.
The District Magistrate sought case-wise details of different departments including OSC, CWC, JJB who in turn briefed about the number of cases settled and the kind of services provided to the victims.
Regarding the awareness campaigns about the child protection act, the PO ICDS informed the meeting that massive awareness programmes on the Juvenile Justice Act are being organised by the CDPOs in the areas of their respective jurisdiction. He said that since the last meeting, substantial progress has been made.
While addressing the participants, the District Magistrate said, a Public Prosecutor represents the State in whose name the prosecution is conducted and the wing has to ensure that offenders are convicted and meanwhile to make sure that no innocent is trapped in Legal wrangles.
The District Magistrate said that interdepartmental coordination and an integrated approach was a must for the proper legislation and delivery of the justice. He impressed upon the officers to put in arduous efforts for increasing the conviction rate in the crime cases.
The District Magistrate also assured full support to the prosecutors both on logistics and working fronts and assured that he will try his best to facilitate them in the discharge of their legitimate duties.
The CDPOs were directed to submit the details of the child beggars and child labourers working in hazardous places in the district. He also directed the concerned officers to ensure that no Government employee hires a domestic help below the age of 14 yrs.
The District Magistrate also directed CDPOs to conduct a survey in the areas of their respective jurisdictions to identify the children below the age of 14 years working in the homes of the Government officials and submit the necessary report in this regard within ten days.
Concerning the scholarship schemes, the Social Welfare Department was asked to ensure that benefits under different scholarship schemes are provided to all the eligible students in the district. He further directed the CMO to depute the doctors to attend to the women in distress and children in the care of the need.
The CDPOs were directed to organise special awareness camps to aware the girls regarding the negative effects of girl child marriage in society. He directed the CMO to take concrete measures to help the girls manage their menstrual hygiene amid COVID19, and ensure that the PRIs are associated with the task.
While taking the review of conviction rate, the DM impressed for the quality and fair investigation so that the rate of conviction is also increased. However, he cautioned that no innocent should be unnecessarily trapped in legal wrangles.
The District Magistrate also directed the immediate shifting of the offices of the child welfare committee- JJB to the new premises and ordered for making the child care home fully functional. He set a deadline of ten days for carrying out some basic surveys.