4 Lifestyle changes to maintain heart health


Heart-related ailments have grown rapidly in India and cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality.

The most common heart diseases that encountered her are heart attack, heart failure and heart disease. Although with the advancement of technology the treatment of heart diseases such as surgeries, coronary angioplasty and coronary artery bypass grafting are held in common hospitals. Despite this, the incidence of heart disease and the suffering from it proceeds to rise. Accordingly, a favorable manner to put a brake on this is by curbing the occurrence of heart disease in the first place.

The modifiable risk factors are diabetes, high BP, high cholesterol, smoking, obesity, sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet. The non-modifiable risk factors are age, genetics and sex.

Physical activities:

With the advancement in technology, people tend to work on desks or jobs which involve very little physical effort. Nowadays due to busy schedules and long working hours, it has reduced the time for regular exercise. This results in a sedentary lifestyle and the associated metabolic syndrome. It is very important to increase a regime of physical exercise in the daily routine. We need a planned schedule of physical activities which start with the morning exercise for at least 45 minutes, during office hours trying to take a break or at least walk while receiving calls. Exercise will keep you away from diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and much more. Sitting for 9 hours continuously worsens the health.

Eatery Habits: 

Good eating habits will lead to a decrease in the risk of heart disease and control health ailments like diabetes, high BP and high cholesterol. You need to limit the intake of salt as it prevents blood pressure. A healthy diet comprises vegetables and fruit with balanced amounts of carbohydrates, fat and protein. The best way to start eating healthy is to avoid eating junk and processed food and swap to homemade food.

Smoke or alcohol:

One of the biggest risk factors to be avoided to keep you healthy is cigarettes. Quitting smoking frees you from severe ailments or heart-related diseases such as angioplasty. If you continue to smoke then it can lead to major cases or blocked stents.

Routine Check-ups:

Above the age of 30 years, people should go for regular screenings to know the risk factors like diabetes, high BP and high cholesterol. As these diseases are asymptomatic in the initial stages and delay in diagnosis. Once in a year people above 40 years should undergo cardiac health screening to know any risk factors. Tests which are conducted to see are ECG, echocardiography and treadmill.