4 vegetables that you must not eat raw

Vegetables lose nutrients when they are cooked, and advocates of the raw food diet claim that eating fresh produce provides us more energy, healthier skin, better digestion, and a lower risk of cancer and heart disease. When vegetables are overcooked, they are believed to lose some of their nutritional value. Not all vegetables, meanwhile, should be consumed raw, and for some vegetables, heating increases nutritional absorption. Additionally, eating raw veggies exposes you to parasites, bacteria, toxins, and other elements that might be harmful to your health.

Some fruits and vegetables shouldn’t be eaten raw since they can harbor parasites, bacteria like E. coli, or even tapeworms and their eggs. These consist of:

1. Arbi ka patta (colacia leaves)

Colacia leaves, also known as arbi ka patta, come in first. Before including them into your diet, always blanch them in hot water. Kale and spinach both fall under the same rule. They should be blanched in hot water since they have been associated with high oxalate levels, which are decreased by blanching.

2. Cabbage

They are infamous for containing tapeworms and their imperceptible eggs, which are tapeworms. Your vegetable washes are too gentle for some of these tapeworms because they have survived some of the most potent insecticides and herbicides. Before eating, blanch your cabbage in hot water and thoroughly cook it.

3. Capsicum

Because tapeworm eggs that live inside the fruit can also be found in the seeds, it is important to remember to remove the crown, deseed, and wash the capsicum in hot water.

4. Aubergine

Tapeworm eggs are once more found in the seeds. To prevent parasites, tapeworms, and tapeworm eggs from entering our bloodstream, be sure to heat food thoroughly. In fact, aubergines are such a difficult vegetable to prepare that many Indian homes don’t even bring them home. Keep in mind that prevention is always preferable to treatment.

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