5 fruits and vegetables you must have to recover from dengue

Cases of dengue disease are increasing nationwide. In terms of the proliferation of illnesses carried by mosquitoes, 2023 has been particularly concerning. Aedes mosquitoes can reproduce and proliferate in environments with higher temperatures and humidity levels. Humans can contract dengue by being bitten by an infected mosquito, which is the vector of the DENV virus. In 2023, the number of dengue cases has exponentially increased in several countries, not just India.

Five fruits and vegetables that are good for recovering from dengue.

  1. Kiwi

Consuming a well-balanced diet is crucial for a speedy recovery from dengue. Kiwi fruit is high in potassium and vitamin C content, as well as polyphenols and antioxidants including trolox equivalent and gallic acid that support the body’s immune system and effectively combat infection. It enhances immunity and aids in maintaining the body’s electrolyte balance.

2. Papaya

Papain, caricain, chymopapain, acetogenin, and other physiologically active substances found in papayas have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities that support the body’s immune system, lessen inflammation caused by dengue, and expedite healing.

3. Pomegranate

The fruit’s high iron content aids in restoring a person’s hemoglobin levels and may also help to preserve platelet counts, which lessen fatigue and exhaustion during and after dengue fever and support the body’s energy levels.

4. Spinach

a great source of vitamin K, which helps improve blood clotting but won’t increase platelet count directly. There are further significant advantages that spinach provides to dengue patients. In addition to having healthy levels of iron, folate, and Omega 3 fatty acids, spinach also helps to lower inflammation throughout the body by inhibiting cytokines that promote inflammation. It also expedites recovery from symptoms like weakness and exhaustion and guards against oxidative stress brought on by the virus.

5. Beetroot

It has significant concentrations of folic acid and iron, both of which are necessary for the synthesis of red blood cells. Beetroot also has detoxifying qualities that can help purify your liver, enhance its performance, and shield your body’s platelets from free radical damage brought on by inflammation associated with dengue. Beetroot does support the maintenance of haematological parameters, although there is no proof that it has a direct effect on platelet counts.

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