6 must eat foods to get rid of bloating


Bloating stomachs are very commonly found in children and adults due to their unhealthy eating habits. There are various reasons behind stomach bloating including overeating, having more processed food, eating untimely, lack of physical movements etc.

Another reason for bloating which women face is before the periods which make it more painful. To deal with this discomfort and painful periods you can try certain foods which will ease tremendously when it comes to bloating.

Another change that is required is eating patterns to ease the bloating stomach as it creates uneasiness and awkwardness in public.

Certain food items reduce bloating and are easily available at home or markets:

Cucumber: Eat a few slices of cucumber in a salad or when you feel that your stomach has bloated. As cucumbers contain water and are hydrating. They flush out the GI tract.

Yogurt: Yogurt is extremely beneficial for overall health, skin and hair. It cures many health problems including a bloated stomach. It is packed with probiotics with good bacteria which calms down the digestive and inflammation.

Banana: Banana is known for improving the digestive system and it treats the bloated stomach and gives you relief. This fruit is rich in potassium which curtails the toxins, sodium and water.

Pineapple: Pineapple fruit gives amazing health benefits due to its nutritional value, bromelain. It is sweeter as well as acts as a medicine to treat the fluffy stomach.

Herbal PCOS tea: In this herbal tea, around 11 herbs are blended which are important ingredients of Ayurveda. A herbal tea that is recommended for PCOS patients can also be consumed when you feel that you have overeating.

Papaya: Papaya fruit is also good for everyone except for pregnant women due to some extent. But when you feel that your stomach is bloated or you are feeling uneasiness due to the heavy meals you can eat papaya as it will reduce it.