6 ways to get rid of menstrual pain


PMS is something that every woman has to deal with. Stomach pains, debilitating mood swings, bloating, backache, aching breasts, and the list goes on and on. Some of us may experience all of these symptoms at the same time, with symptoms ranging from light for the fortunate to severe for the less fortunate.

Though there are PMS relief capsules, plant-based formulations designed to relieve symptoms such as bloating, stomach cramps, hormonal acne, mood swings, irritability, and more to help those who experience very severe PMS and PCOD symptoms, Zeal Shah, Director of Bare Body Essentials, insists that instead of pain relievers, one should try an all-natural alternative to help regulate the menstrual cycle and get rid of PMS and PCOD symptoms for good.

1. Warm water bags or heat pads can reduce cramps by relaxing abdominal muscles and increasing blood flow, providing much-needed relief.

2. Water is the miracle solution to the majority of our issues. Drinking enough of water might assist with bloating as well as cramping.

3. Limit fried, salty, and sugary foods, which can aggravate cramps and muscular discomfort by causing inflammation and bloating.

4. While little exercise or yoga may not appear to be the best decision at the time, these activities release endorphins, a pleasant hormone that helps relax muscles and lessen pain.

5. The importance of de-stressing cannot be overstated. Try deep breathing or meditation, or any of your other stress-relieving hobbies.

6. By regulating the hormonal, herbal medicines can provide much-needed respite from these unpleasant and largely uncomfortable symptoms. Ginseng, Gokshur, and Fenugreek are Ayurvedic medicines that have been shown to aid with PMS symptoms.

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