Best home remedies to get instant relief from stomach pain


Abdominal pain or diarrhoea is very common in kids, teens and the old age group of people due to various reasons. Around the festive season, various types of dishes are cooked in the home. Teens and adults over eat their favourite dishes and binge which ends in upsetting the stomach.

However, due to these reasons people normally face stomach cramps and some other sort of discomfort in the stomach. To overlook these people usually go for over-the-counter medicines for tummy aches.

But, there are home remedies to which prove more beneficial for health care.  These are:

Jeera- Saunf water: One of the old remedies for treating stomach pain is the Jeera- Saunf water. To make this remedy pour water into the pan and add jeera and saunf in equal amounts. Boil it for 5-7 minutes and then simmer it for another 3-4 minutes. Strain the brew into a cup and sip it as it is more effective for your stomach pain.

This method is recommended for adults as well as for children over 4-years-old. Doctors call this remedy “a simple powerful remedy for tummy pain for kids and adults.” However, his caption warned, “Make an informed decision…always check with your doctor. This is not a replacement for prescribed medicines. If your tummy pain persists always then see a doctor.”

Yogurt: A bowl of yoghurt is also an effective treatment for treating abdominal pain and an upset stomach. Other stomach related problems you face include stomach bloating, diarrhoea, gas, and then yoghurt can help keep your digestive system in tip-top form.

A glass of milk: From stomach ache, a person also suffers another sort of pain like heartburn, irritation of the oesophagus that leads to chest tightness which forces back into the oesophagus.

“When I have heartburn, I drink a glass of milk,” says a gastroenterologist in Cleveland. “Milk neutralizes the acid produced by the stomach,” he added further.

Peppermint: Studies have described that mint is a traditional treatment for indigestion, gas, and diarrhoea in other countries like Iran, Pakistan, and India.

Raw and cooked mint leaves are both suitable for consumption. In traditional times, people often boil mint leaves by adding a few cardamoms to make tea. You can also make a powder from the mint or juice mint leaves and stir them in other hot beverages including tea, beverages, or foods. Mint leaves are conveniently available in the stores as well as at online stores.

Another alternative is consuming mint by sucking candies made up of mint in relieving the pain and the discomfort caused by the heartburn.