Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal today released a book titled ‘Rehri Per Everest’ based on the life of Sub Inspector of Haryana Police Department, Sh. Ram Lal.

Chandigarh, May 12– Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal today released a book titled ‘Rehri Per Everest’ based on the life of Sub Inspector of Haryana Police Department, Sh. Ram Lal. This book is a biography based on the struggles of Sh. Ram Lal and is authored by Dr. Surendra Jain. This book in itself is a source of inspiration for the youth.

While presenting a copy of the book to the Chief Minister at this release ceremony held at the Chief Minister’s residence today, Sh. Ram Lal said that he is lucky that he was born in Haryana.

Sh. Ram Lal said that he brought glory to the state by hoisting the tricolor on the top of Mount Everest in the year 2013 and recognizing his achievement, the present Haryana Government, under its Sports Policy, appointed him as a sub-inspector in the police department which he had never imagined.

It is noteworthy that Sh  Ram Lal’s father, Sh. Satpal used to sell vegetables in Tohana city and collected donations from the people of Tohana and the citizens of Haryana state which helped Sh. Ram Lal scale the highest peak in the world.

Sh. Ram Lal hoisted the country’s tricolor on Mount Everest on May 21, 2013 and the state government led by Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal appointed him to the post of Sub Inspector.


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