Heart patients can follow these Do’s and Don’ts to stay healthy


It is important for the patients with heart-related ailments to take care of their diet, lifestyle and environment to stay healthy. Medical experts say that co-morbidities can cause heart attacks, strokes and blood pressures. Here are some do’s and don’ts for the patients suffering from heart diseases:

Things to do:

  • Exercise – There is an urgent requirement of body movement for around 30-40 minutes daily. You can do meditation, yoga, walk, short workout which will keep your heart healthy.
  • Eat a healthy diet- There is no doubt that everyone should eat a healthy diet to keep the infections away from them. So heart patients need a good and healthy meal which includes vegetables, fresh fruits, fat free dairy products, whole grains, and olive oil which contains healthy fat.
  • Balance your weight – You need to check on your weight as obesity can lead to a heart attack. So maintain your weight according to your age, height. For better results you can consult your doctor or good nutritionist.
  • Sleep properly- Patients fighting against the heart diseases should take proper rest to overcome their health in a shorter duration.
  • Regular check-up- If you are suffering from high cholesterol, high blood pressure or diabetes, your doctor may prescribe medications. Make sure that you take your medicines on time and follow each and every guideline given by your doctor.

Things to avoid:

  • Avoid stress- One of the important factors that lead to heart stroke or can raise blood pressure is having stress on baseless issues. Try to focus on the solutions rather than over thinking about the problem.
  • Avoid smoking or tobacco- Second important thing to avoid is the consumption of tobacco and cigarettes which is very dangerous for your heart, lungs, blood pressure etc.
  • Don’t sit for long hours- Another factor you have to keep in mind is that sitting for long periods can put you at risk for heart disease and stroke. As people sit at a desk for 8-9 hours, it can root up the illness. To overcome this in the workplace is to move while you take a phone call, and walk around every hour for 10 minutes.
  • Ignore dental problems- Many studies reveal that your teeth and gums indicate a sign of your heart health. Doctors say, gum disease causes bacteria that can lead to inflammation in the body so be sure to brush your teeth and floss. Adapt a habit of visiting a dental clinic after 3 months for regular check-up.

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