Here are some factors contribute to unexplained infertility


Since no testing can identify them, it is challenging to pinpoint the underlying reason for unexplained infertility. However, the following are a few potential reasons:

an unidentified illness There are several factors that might influence fertility and infertility, and the study of fertility is a field that is always changing. For instance, a couple may experience unexplained infertility due to thyroid, diabetes, or celiac illness (a gluten sensitivity).

Endometriosis: Infertility is a disorder where tissues that ordinarily cover the interior of your uterine wall begin to protrude from the uterus. It has been shown that even moderate forms of endometriosis might affect a woman’s capacity to become pregnant.

Cervical mucus: During ovulation, the cervical mucus in the body aids sperm in swimming up to meet the egg. The sperm’s travel to the uterus may be impacted if the cervical mucus is excessively thick or includes certain chemicals.

Egg and sperm quality in a couple: A couple’s reproductive cycle can be greatly impacted by the quality of the female partner’s egg and the male partner’s sperm. The diagnosis of infertility with no known cause is made as a result of the fact that not all tests can assist determine the quality of the egg or the sperm.

According to experts, diagnosing or treating unexplained fertility may not always have a clear explanation.

Numerous factors can thwart the process since several events must take place in a specific order for a woman to get pregnant, according to the expert.

Undiagnosed infertile encompass difficulties with low egg or sperm quality, as well as uterine and fallopian tube disorders that are not detected through routine fertility testing. When a couple is diagnosed with unexplained infertility, they often have been trying to conceive for at least a year (if they are under 35) or around six months (if they are 35 or older), according to doctors.

Can a couple that is infertile but has no known cause conceive?

Although becoming pregnant naturally could be challenging, infertile couples can become parents thanks to fertility treatments.