Conflict happens in the lives of all couples. This crisis can be big or small. Some couples divorce their partner 2-3 years after getting married, while others live happily together for many years. And this is not only a matter of luck – a simple concept that all happy couples understand: together you can face any problem in your life.

1.Weight Gain

Most newlyweds gain a lot of weight after their marriage. Scientists at the University of Glasgow conducted research and came to the conclusion that newly married couples gain up to about 3-5 lb within the first year of their married life. In general, married people weigh 13 pounds more than those who are single.

What To Do?

Losing weight together may seem easy because there will always be a person next to you who will share your struggle for a healthy lifestyle. However, nutritionists warn that men lose weight fast and this can be somewhat frustrating for women.

2.The Birth Of Children Creates An Economic Crisis

The birth of children leads to financial problems in a young family. During the survey Nerd Wallet reported that parents are almost always not ready to have children and this depends on their financial situation. Both middle class and low-income families have a shortage of money.

What To Do?

Start saving money long before the birth of your first child and get rid of unnecessary expenses. For example, it would be good to buy cradles and clothes; there is absolutely no need to buy a baby walker, a child carrier, and a musical toy.


3.Conflict With Mother-InLaw

The relationship of “daughter-in-law and mother-in-law” or “son-in-law and mother-in-law” has been displayedmany times in stories and sitcoms. Psychologists say that such relationships can be quite dramatic and can also harm the health of both parties.

What To Do?

The best way to avoid conflict with your mother-in-law is to live separately. It may be financially more difficult to live independently for the first time but it is worth it. However, if you do not have the opportunity to live separately, you can make better use of your diplomatic skills and explain to your husband how upset you are about the argument with your mother.