Weight gain is a major problem these days specially because of the ongoing pandemic due to which we can not move out of our houses. Obesity can be dangerous for your health in long term. Thus, it is essential to remain fit and lean. Here are some tips which might help you remain fit along with your partner during this lockdown period:


1. Plan Out Your Diets: The first step to regain health is by planning out your daily diet chart. Make sure you include such foods which are easily available. Plan out recipes which are easy to cook and which you both can cook together. If you are trying to lose weight make sure you eat lots of veggies and cut down on sugar to help you attain your ideal weight.
2. Pack Lunch For Each Other: Whoever wakes up early should pack lunch for the other. You can prepare a healthy meal along with some salad for which your partner would thank you later. Eating from restaurants is both expensive and unhealthy. Make sure you purchase a lunch box for both.
3. Cook Together: A couple can has an amazing time cooking together. This would be fun and also help you remain fit. Pick up a new recipe and try cooking it, you would have a lot of fun.
4. Get Rid Of Big Plates: Switch to smaller plates so that you don’t gulp down large amounts of food. You should also eat in a small plate so that your partner does not feel weird. This would help your partner cut down on large amounts of calories.
5. Workout Together: Make sure you both wake up early and workout together. It could be fun and romantic. This would also ensure a fit body and mind.