National Professional Standards for Teachers: open house discussion on draft.


Chandigarh March 10, 2022

An open house discussion on National Professional standards for Teachers (NPST), NEP-2020 was organized by Department of Education, Panjab University, Chandigarh in collaboration with NCTE, New Delhi on 10th March 2022 in hybrid mode at the SAIF/ CIL conference hall of PU.

Mr. S.S. Gill, IAS, Secretary Education, UT-Chandigarh, the guest of honour, Prof. Raj kumar, vice-chancellor, Panjab University, Ms. Kesang Sherpa, member secretary, NCTE, graced the inaugural session. Prof. J. N. Baliya, head, DoE, Central University, Jammu had graced the programme.

The programme was started with the university Anthem followed by lightening of lamp by dignitaries and coordinators of the programme. Prof. Kirandeep Singh read out brief profile of the Department and informed the guests about the achievements and contributions of the department in the field of education.

Ms. Kesang Sherpa (IRS) Member Secretary, NCTE joined the discussion through online mode. She  briefed about how NPST has been launched initially and its development through different phases. Expert committee was formed and feedback from various stakeholders of education sector was collected to launch the 1st draft of NPST. According to her the final draft will be launched by March 2023.

Mr. Gill the Guest of honour highlighted the role of teachers in 21st century. He emphasized on E2 formula which implies the two important bases of growth of society, Education and Entrepreneurship. He said education sector has to respond to the changing needs of society and must undergo transformation to be more relevant.

Prof. Raj Kumar, Vice Chancellor appreciated NCTE decision for collaboration  with Panjab University for taking inputs for further improvement and changes in NPST. He highlighted that teachers need to blend their conventional knowledge and skills with new trends in education at a fast pace to catch up wherever they have been lagging.

Prof. J N Baliya, Head, Deptt. Of Educational Studies, Central University, jammu introduced the bluebook on NPST through online power point presentation. He briefly talked about the three chapters of NPST. He also emphasized on 3Ps, Teacher Preparation, Practice and Performance.

 Mr. Rishab Khanna  presented the NSPT draft by taking up each component of the draft in detail with reference to school aducation. He elaborated on core pillars of NSPT which are education and training, support in practice and career progression.

Prof Sharad Sinha  joined online from NCERT to inform and to provoke critical thinking about teaching and training among the participants.

Inputs were given by invited panelists Dr. Hemant Dy Director Higher Education Haryana, Dr Ashwani Bhalla Dy Dir Punjab and Dr. Manpreet Brar Coordinator Smagra Shikha Abhiyan.

After the main speakers  the penalists had a thorough and comprehensive discussion on NPST followed by questions from participants.

The dignitaries and speakers were thanked by offering momentos. Prof Nandita and Prof Latika highlighted suggestions which emerged from the open house discussion and Prof Chaturvedi from NCTE gave concluding remarks.

The programme ended with national anthem and lunch for all the participants.


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