As the popular saying goes, “Do not judge a book by its cover,” the same way raisins should not be judged by their shrunken, aged, and dry texture. These golden (come in black and green colors) dried fruits known as “raisins” are nutrient-rich powerhouses. They are a rich source of fibre, iron, calcium, potassium and other essential nutrients, which boost your energy and help maintain the shine of your hair and skin.


Health Benefits Of Raisins

1.Help In Digestion

Raisins help to keep the digestive system healthy as they are rich in fibre and provide a laxative effect to the stomach. A healthy intake of raisins (especially before bed or after waking up) helps to relieve constipation, smooth bowel movements and eliminates waste products and toxins from the body. Raisins are effective in providing immediate relief from problems such as bloating, acid reflux, and flatulence.


2.Increases Eyesight

Raisins are rich in polyphenolic phytonutrients such as vitamin A, A-carotenoids, and beta-carotene, which help to keep your eyesight strong. These nutrients help protect your eyes by reducing the free radical action that weakens vision and causes muscle collapse as well as cataracts.


3.Regulates Blood Pressure

Excess of salt in the body causes blood pressure. Raisins contain less sodium, which also contains a good amount of potassium, and helps to balance the sodium content in your body by relaxing your blood vessels.


4.Improves Bone Strength

Raisins are full of calcium which is necessary for the strengthening of bones. Another major nutrient that is required to make bones strong is boron, and raisins are a rich source of it. Therefore, according to many research studies, eating raisins, especially soaked raisins, helps in better absorption of nutrients and improvement of bone density.


5.Weight Loss

Raisins are low in calories and are naturally sweet. They are great for stopping your sweet craving without loading on extra calories. They are also rich in fibre, leaving the body feeling full for a long time. In addition, they help control your blood sugar levels and beat cravings, which also supports your weight loss goals.