Tips to protect yourself from ‘Omicron’ variant of Covid-19


The Omicron variant was found in South Africa at first. Nowadays children in South Africa, contact with the Omicron variant and have symptoms like sore throat, unlike scratchy throat. Adults have witnessed sudden fluctuations with a high pulse rate of 100 to 115 beats per minute.

Other symptoms of the Omicron variant are severe headache, body pain, tiredness and mild fever, unlike the common flu-like symptoms of Covid-19 said health experts of South Africa.

Medical experts gave the interview to the News18 in which they expressed that they had physically seen over 100 Covid positive patients in South Africa infected with the new variant, and said “Omicron will give a different clinical picture that has no flu-like symptoms.”

To date, the symptoms of Covid-19 were cough, runny nose, sore throat and fever. But this new variant has no symptoms like this. Experts said that this variant came up with the complaints of a painful headache, body pain, exhaustion, mild temperature and slightly scratchy throat.”

This symptom can be more dangerous for life if unvaccinated people catch the infection. Those vaccinated can manage the sickness at home by only using the medicine. A medical expert from South Africa informed that her patients are doing well after taking medications such as ibuprofen and are recovering within five to seven days; she believes that more data is required to confirm the behavior of Omicron.

According to the news sources, India has contracted with 100 above omicron cases till Friday especially at the states, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and national capital, New Delhi.

Does Omicron Impact Children?

According to the data from South Africa, children have caught the infection, the Omicron virus. The prime symptoms, which occur in children affected by Omicron, are rarely different from those which the adults suffer from. In this, children suffer from sore throats and on the other side, adults feel scratchy throats.

Here are some measures that are to be followed to stay safe.

  • Wash your hands frequently
  • If you have a cold or cough flu then stay at home for the next 3 days
  • Avoid social gatherings and crowded places
  • Wear a mask whenever you step out of your house.
  • During winters children easily get infected so to protect them give them a balanced diet and add boiled water, honey to their diet regularly to boost their immune system.
  • Dip their toys in hot water frequently
  • Clean your doors, handles, and floor twice a day to protect yourself and your family.