Excessive consumption of sugar can cause these 5 health problems 

Some food items already contain sugar and are part of the daily diet. Those food products are dairy products, vegetables, and fruits, which are also important for health. The sugar in these foods gives them a sweeter taste.
People need to involve these foods in the diet, as they provide more nutrients to the body and give valuable health benefits.
However, some food items contain artificial sugar such as cereals, cakes, beverages, which are harmful to the health and cause many ailments.
Diabetes affects the functioning of arteries, as the walls get broader than normal. They are at high risk of getting heart attacks or heart strokes if they don’t limit the sugar on time. As per the studies, most people succumb due to heart attack as their blood level goes up.
Swap your food and drinks from low fibre to high fibre as they will provide numerous benefits to processed foods. These foods only add up the calories to your body and give you zero health benefits.
Things to avoid :
Sugary drinks
Baked goods
Sweetened dairy or sweets
Instead of these add sugar and savoury foods, like bread, tomato sauce, and protein bars, which balances the sugar level as they have a surplus of sweet stuff and nutrients for health.
People have to be extra careful towards their diet as they should limit the diet to high sugar as they are the reason for diabetes and increase the calories.
Sugary from beverages such as fruit drink, Maaza, Coke etc includes artificial sugar and more ingredients which are not good for health. People who are diabetic should eliminate this kind of drink from their routine and should switch to fresh fruits and vegetable juice, or homemade smoothies and the rest of them should limit their usage and switch to healthy choices.
Harmful effects of Sugar on health  :
1.      You gain weight as you are consuming fat and extra calories in the form of sweets or sugar.
2.      The functioning of the pancreas gets disrupted as they get overused when the sugar goes into surplus.
3.      When you take more sugar then it has an effect on the kidneys as your blood cells increase.
4.      There are high chances of getting heart diseases or related ailments by eating too much sugar
5.      You are at the risk of getting acne breakouts due to the excess consumption of sugar.