Eye infection: Don’t ignore these 6 symptoms


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 80 percent of eye-related disorders can be avoided by taking preventative measures or can be cured by medical attention.

Doctors advise you to conduct an eye test frequently to examine if any problem exists or you need medical attention. A checkup can be particularly helpful in detecting progressive eye conditions, such as glaucoma, a common condition that typically has few symptoms in its early stages.

Some people who witness eye pain, or vision changes often should consult the eye specialist as soon as possible.
Here are some symptoms where you need to see an eye doctor right away:

Gray Shadow in Your Vision
The abrupt onset of flashing lights, the number of floaters increased, a shadow in your peripheral vision, or a gray curtain moving across your field of vision could be signs of a detachment of the retina.  Doctors explained that nearsightedness, eye diseases like glaucoma, and physical injury to the eye are the reasons behind retinal detachment. This health issue needs quick medical treatment as it can lead to blindness.

Sudden Loss of Vision in One Eye
When there is sudden vision loss, it’s required to consult a doctor because it’s a signal of any eye disease. When it happens to a person above 65 years then it is because of age, but when it happens to the adult or teen then it needs emergency treatment. Many other conditions can cause persistent loss of vision.

Eye Pain
Mostly, eye-related illness does not cause pain, but there are some medical conditions or injuries that cause eye pain, said the ophthalmologist. The reasons behind the eye pain are glaucoma, dry eye, eye injury, a scratched cornea, or even cancer of the eye.

Eye Injury
Any significant injury to the eye should be examined by a doctor, especially if redness or pain stays more than one day.

Irritation in the Eye
Sometimes your working place also becomes a reason behind the eye pain or discomfort. Workplace such as a garage, hammering, labor work in which small particles enter the eye and irritate. So, whenever you feel this just get your eyes checked as it can cause an infection. “Having two red eyes is probably not as serious as one red eye,” says Doctors as it means it’s a sign of inflammation that needs medical attention.

Discomfort while putting on contact lenses
After following all the rules of contact lenses, still, you feel irritation, redness, or pain in your eye then also it is a point of emergency as it can lead to severe infection if ignored.