One amazing thing that happened throughout the world during the Coronavirus pandemic was the closing down of food joints and restaurants. Wondering how? Keep reading below.

As no fast food was available in India due to shutting down of all food places to contain the spread of the virus, people resorted to home cooked food which is healthy as compared to fast food. This has promoted the overall health of Indians and even enhanced their immune system. Processed foods contain large amounts of fat and bad cholesterol which can even lead to a heart attack.

A study showed that people’s cholesterol level was under control throughout the lockdown. These samples were collected at the opening of the lockdown and were compared to the samples collected in 2019. There was a difference of about 22.09%. Samples of men and women were studied differently to get a better analysis. It was found that men were more likely to consume unhealthy junk food than females. Men witnessed a drop of 25% while for females it was only 17%.

According to experts, high cholesterol levels are responsible for innumerable heart attacks every year. Cholesterol is produced by the body in order to promote healthy functioning. However, excess cholesterol can block the heart arteries resulting in a heart attack. The excess cholesterol is accumulated when we eat foods full of oil and excessive fat.

During the lockdown, people shifted to healthy habits in order to protect themselves from the virus. People also started exercising at home and included foods like fresh vegetables and lentils in their daily diet. This helped individuals attain a healthy and fit body. Thus, though lockdown was a nightmare for everybody, this positive change of healthy eating has certainly improved the lifestyle of the people.