Foods You Can Eat To Stay Warm And Healthy This Winter

Foods You Can Eat To Stay Warm And Healthy This Winter
Foods You Can Eat To Stay Warm And Healthy This Winter

No matter how many layers of clothing you wear or how many blankets you use, you will realize that you are constantly cold. Food is one great way to maintain the body heat while also maintaining your health. Here is a list of meals that you can eat to ensure both; however you should be aware that when you consume food that is rich in fats, proteins and carbohydrates, your body will take longer to digest it. The longer digestion takes to happen, the more your body stays at a higher temperature.


Kick off your day with a big hot bowl of oats. They are not only filling but also high in fibre and zinc content. It is extremely easy to make during busy mornings. You can pair your oats with fruits and nuts to add some zing and flavour to it as well. Coffee, iced or hot, will give you a warm start to the day simply because it has caffeine content. It speeds up your metabolism and faster metabolism keeps your body temperature also higher.


You can experiment with soup, one of the most loved comfort foods. Chicken noodle soup loaded with delicious vegetables and tender chicken or roasted butternut squash soup in thick cream and potatoes. There is no such thing as wrong or bad soup! What is the best drink to treat yourself with? Water. That’s correct, water is helps in maintaining internal temperature and if your body is dehydrated it cannot do so. Consume water regularly.


It is difficult to find a healthy and tasty snack that will also maintain your body temperature at the same time. You can eat onions, beets, carrots and any root vegetable which will slow your digestion and also keep you warm. Fruits and nuts also keep the body warm while also maintaining your iron content. If you want to have something lighter, something that will sustain you until dinner then just have a glass of ginger tea.


Like the Nordic Vikings, you can include red meat into your diet to keep warm. It is filled with iron which carries oxygen throughout your body. It maintains a strong immunity system and fights off the winter flu. If you are looking to add something a bit unique, add sushi into your diet.  It is filled with a lot of vitamins and the spicier the tune, the warmer you will be.

If you are looking for a vegetarian option, you can load on sweet potatoes. It is a root vegetable that will keep your body warm while also keeping your digestive track clean.


The dessert is what draws the day to an end and it must be absolutely delicious. Brownies, warm and straight from the over, are one of the ultimate comfort foods. You can make it healthier by using substitutes like dried dates or honey. Hot cocoa is also a way to warm your hands by holding onto the mug. Use coconut milk or almond milk as your base and find the darkest cocoa. Add some vanilla or peppermint and enjoy.

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