Inside and outside the anus and rectum, haemorrhoids are swollen, bulging veins. They can be unpleasant, painful, and cause rectal bleeding. Hemorrhoids are often known as piles.
We’re all born with haemorrhoids, although they don’t bother us at first at baseline. They only generate uncomfortable symptoms when they become swollen and enlarged. People of all ages, genders, races, and ethnicities are affected. They become increasingly common as people become older, affecting more than half of those over the age of 50.
You may be at more risk if you:
• Are obese or overweight.
• Are expecting a child
• Reduce the amount of fibre in your diet.
• Constipation or diarrhoea is a problem for you.
• Lift large objects on a regular basis.
• Spend a significant amount of time on the toilet.
• When you’re having bowel movements, strain.
What types of haemorrhoids are there?
The kind is determined by the location of the enlarged vein. The following are examples of different types:
Externally, surrounding the anus, swollen veins grow beneath the skin. The canal in your anus is where excrement exits. Haemorrhoids on the outside can be irritating and unpleasant. They bleed on occasion. They can clot if they fill up with blood. This is not harmful, although it can cause pain and swelling.
Internal: Inside the rectum, swollen veins form. The rectum is a portion of the digestive system that joins the colon (big intestine) and the anus (small intestine). Internal haemorrhoids can bleed, however, they are usually painless.
Internal and external haemorrhoids can both prolapse, which means they expand and bulge outside of the anus. These haemorrhoids can bleed and hurt.
• Apply lidocaine, witch hazel, or hydrocortisone-containing over-the-counter drugs to the affected area.
• Drink a lot of water.
• Increase your fibre intake by eating more fibre-rich foods and taking fibre supplements. Attempt to consume at least 20-35 grammes of fibre every day.
• Spend 10 to 20 minutes a day in a warm bath (sitz bath).
• Take laxatives to soften your stools.