Nowadays, fatty liver or jaundice has become very common due to the changes in the lifestyle. Doctors suggest that fatty liver is due to the insulin resistance. That means your body makes insulin but can’t use it well. Glucose builds up in your blood, and your liver turns it into fat.
Exercise- Physical activities are very important which makes you stay fit and healthy. If you are not in favour of hard core exercise then you can do mild exercises or yoga, meditation as it is too beneficial. Do exercise daily for around 30 minutes in the morning
Sleep – Having adequate sleep for around 7 hours makes your mind feel fresh throughout the day.
Lose weight – Obesity is also a reason behind liver infections. So control down your weight by exercising and cut down all the fat-containing items from your diet.
Control Diabetes – Diabetic patients have high chances of getting liver ailments. so you need to track your sugar level and avoid the sugar products.
Lower down your Cholesterol – Lower down your cholesterol level by curtailing the fried food from the routine. In addition to this, doing a workout for 20 minutes a day also helps in reducing your cholesterol level.
Follow a strict diet which should contain :
1. Almond Milk – Crush some almonds and put in a bowl. Add one cup of milk and boil it for 5 minutes on simmer.
2. Coffee – 2 cups of coffee a day is the normal intake of coffee in a day as per the experts.
3. Water – Stay hydrated as water heals all the body problems.
4. Olive oil – Use olive oil in your meals as it contains all the healthy properties your body needs.
5. Garlic- Garlic is an anti-inflammatory property which gives you strength to fight against the illness.
6. Fruits and Vegetables- Fruits and vegetables contain all the iron, vitamins, calcium a body needs to stay healthier. Drink juice of fresh fruits as it will give you energy.
7. Fish or seafood- Salmon fsh is good for health
(B) Things to be avoided as it causes harm to your body
1. Butter and Ghee -Avoid too much butter and ghee in your meals as it is one of the reasons for obesity.
2. Alcohol – Cut down the alcohol from your routine for the next few months. As we all know that alcohol disrupts the liver functioning.
3. Fried Food – Excess of fried food should be banned as they also cause harm to the liver. As fried food, it adds calories to your body weight.
- 4. Excess sugar and salt is harmful for health -Food containing salt in excess enhances the fatty liver. As it contains more calories and is directly linked to weight gain. Beverages like Coca Cola, Fanta, Pepsi have excess sugar in them which is not allowed to be consumed during the fatty liver.
5. Red meat – Red meat is made up of spices that are not good for the liver.