How To Know If A Relationship Is Worth Saving?

How To Know If A Relationship Is Worth Saving?
How To Know If A Relationship Is Worth Saving?

Are you in a place in your relationship where you doubt it? Confused whether it is worth saving? We have all been there in some point in life and here are 7 signs that your relationship is worth saving:

  1. Your partner is trying to make things work

This is the most important sign of all. If your partner has given up then there is no point in putting effort. You cannot be the only one who is committed to making it work. If your partner is showing signs of effort, it is worth it. You are better off with someone who cares for you than with someone who does not want to put effort.

  1. You still feel for each other

I t is easy to break up in the middle of an argument but once the heat is gone, if you feel love for your partner and miss them, it is worth trying. Not everyone finds a partner where love exists through all the struggles. Sometimes there is no love from the start and sometimes it dies in the middle. If you both love each other then you need to work on it.

  1. You share the same values

It’s very rare that you find a partner who shares the same values as you. Do you both have the same long term vision? Same philosophy and beliefs? Differences are a part and parcel in every relationship but the important thing is values. This is very important to have this to ensure a steady and secure relationship. You will end up with a stronger relationship if this exists.

  1. Remorse for wrong doing exists

There must have been some reason that brought you to a point where you are reconsidering your relationship. Your partner might have lost their temper or behaved wrongly or cheated on you. Keep a clear head and assess the situation to see if it a mistake you can forgive. If yes, the next thing you need to see if they are showing remorse for their actions. Different people have different views but make sure you are doing right by yourself.

If it is a more serious problem like abuse or anger management, seek professional help immediately. Remove yourself from the situation and get help.

  1. You have seen a lot together

It is not an excuse to stay together but it is definitely a reason to save it. You both have a deep understanding of what the other wants and needs and support each other like no one else. A strong history will go a long way to build a strong relationship.

  1. Things are improving, even if its slowly

Any improvement is a good improvement. If things are looking up you should take that positively and work on it to secure your future with your partner. It will only get better after that.