How To Treat Sweaty Hands And Feet With Ease!

Summer is here and for the individuals who have an issue of sweat-soaked hands and feet, it is a difficult time. This makes something as straightforward as warmly greeting somebody a colossal shame. Searching for approaches to manage it? Here are some compelling and no-results home cures you should attempt.

Preparing Soda

Heating soft drink has a soluble nature and accordingly, it can end up being a successful solution for sweat-soaked hands and feet. Blend a few tablespoons of preparing soft drink in warm water and plunge your hands/feet in it for 20 to 30 minutes. Continue to rub them with the soft drink powder in the water. Subsequently, wipe them off


Purchase natural rosewater from any store or make your own by bubbling flower petals in water and stressing it. Basically utilize a q-tip to apply the rosewater on your palms and feet. It affects your skin.

Cold Water

Plunge your sweat-soaked hands and feet in chilly water for 15 to 20 minutes in a day. This will assuage the issue by and large.

Cornstarch/Talcum Powder

The two of them work similarly as they help keep your skin dry. Simply dust them on your palms and feet. Attempt to utilize a non-perfumed bath powder as it is better and more normal, making it alright for continuous use


Lemon can be utilized in three different ways to control the issue of sweat-soaked hands and feet.

– Take lemon and orange strips and dry them. After they turn hard and fragile, powder them. Residue the powder on all fours. Store it in an impenetrable compartment.

– Mix lemon juice with vodka and rub it on your hands. Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes and afterward wash it away.

– Mix lemon juice with salt and rub it on your hands. After it gets dry, wash it away.

Tea Bags

Due to its antiperspirant properties, you can utilize soggy dark tea packs for this reason and hold them in your sweat-soaked hands for a couple of moments consistently. You can likewise utilize it to wash or wipe your sweat-soaked hands and feet to control the issue. Then again, put 3 to 4 dark tea packs in steaming hot water and absorb your palms or feet it consistently for 30 minutes.<br></p>

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apply apple juice vinegar on all fours and leave it to dry. At that point, wash it away with water. It keeps the skin pores tight and assists with diminishing perspiring. Do it consistently

Sandalwood Powder

Since days of yore, sandalwood glue has been utilized by individuals on their brows to keep it cool. It is known to reduce sweat and because of this property, it is a viable solution for sweat-soaked palms and feet. Blend it in with water, lime juice or rosewater. Apply it on the sweat-soaked patches, let it get and wash it dry.

Tomato Juice

Tomato juice affects the body, making it sweat less. Drink it consistently or dunk your hands in tomato juice. It likewise contains sodium, which thusly helps keep the palms and feet dryPotato

Take some potato cuts and rub them against your sweat-soaked hands and feet. Allow the juice to remain on your skin for quite a while and from that point forward, wash it away.

Some Don’ts You Must Keep In Mind

Keep away from exorbitantly zesty or sweet food varieties . Stay away from stimulated beverages. Try not to apply creams that contain petrol jam on all fours Never wear your socks or gloves again without washing.