Mall Road School Strides Towards Outer Space

Mall Road School Strides Towards Outer Space
Mall Road School Strides Towards Outer Space
Students of Mall Road School Partook in Mission “AzaadiSAT” after being selected by Space KidZ, India.

Amritsar, 09 March 2022

Everyone dreams of learning about the intricacies of outer space or contributing to its mysterious world.Today, the students of Government Girls Senior Secondary Smart School, Mall Road, Amritsar contributed towards the analysis of outer space after being selected as young scientists by Space Kids, India.

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Space KidZ, India has selected 75 schools from all over India for participation in the mission “AzaadiSAT” in which Mall Road School was honored to be selected. The mission is to develop a Raspberry board that, after being installed in a satellite, can receive information about the outer space such as its temperature, pressure and its 3D vibrations.

Under the able management of Principal Mrs. Mandeep Kaur and the adept guidance of Mr. Kamal Kumar (Lecturer Chemistry) in-charge of ATL Robotics Department of the school, 10 students from 9th to 12th class worked diligently on this project and not only brought honor to the school but also to the State and the Nation. The project was completed by the students well within stipulated time frameand according to sources, the Raspberry board programmed by the students will be installed in the lightest satellite being sent for the first time in the outer space.

Principal Mrs. Mandeep Kaur took pride in this achievement of the students, congratulated them and encouraged them to reach the pinnacle of success progressing by leaps & bounds.

Principal Mrs. Mandeep Kaur and ATL in-charge Mr. Kamal Kumar with the students of Mall Road School who participated in the mission “AzaadiSAT” after being selected by Space KidZ, India.