1.All the Indian Vaids prepare the medicines specially on this night because the medicine then inherits the property of the rays of the moon. These medicines are actually effective in healing the body completely and are unlikely to fail. A major trend everybody follows is preparing kheer at this night and keeping it outside throughout the night under the rays of the moon so that the rays are absorbed into the sweet dish. This can be effective in getting rid of several diseases when consumed.

2.Sharad Purnima is very great for people suffering from respiratory diseases like asthma. The kheer should be kept outside under the moon and should be consumed exactly at 4a.m. because then it can reduce the symptoms of the disease. People are also suggested to walk 3 to 4 kilometres after having it to increase it’s benefits.

3. The moon rays on sharad purnima are very beneficial for our eyes too and can improve the vision. To get the benefit people put a thread in the needle while looking at the moon. Another way to get the benefit is by consuming solid black pepper after keeping it under the moon.

4.The kheer made on this night is also beneficial for people with problem like diabetes. The symptoms of diabetes have been found to be reduced considerably after consuming the kheer kept under the moon on the night of the sharad purnima. This food full of good moon rays is believed to balance the chakra in our body which therefore relieves symptoms of sugar by creating balance in the body.

5. Overall, Sharad Purnima is extremely beneficial for our overall health and even scientists accept all these facts. The body heals itself using these rays including some very deadly diseases.