Reasons why you may need protein supplements

Reasons why you may need protein supplements

There is no scarcity of people moving around with their protein shakes. Most of these people are gym enthusiasts who are striving to build muscles. But do non gym goers need protein supplements too?

Rhiannon Lambert, a celebrated author and nutritionist explains that proteins are not merely for muscle growth, but they are essential to stay active and high on energy.

You may be surprised to know that women may actually need these more than gym going males.

As women go past the age of 25, they naturally start to lose muscle mass. It is because of this reason that as women age, they should increase their muscle intake.

Can you take protein supplements even if you aren’t working out?

Protein isn’t just for gym goers who are trying to gain biceps. It is actually better for your body to have a lack of sugary things every day and to opt for the protein alternatives.

How do you avoid bloating from protein supplements?

A lot of women don’t consume protein supplements with the fear of getting bloated. And no one wants to look bloated in their favourite dress. The reason why protein supplements cause bloating is because blood flow is drawn from your gut if you are stressed or have worked out. This drawing up of blood caused inflammation and eventually bloating. But you can choose protein supplements with digestive enzyme to eradicate the problem.

So, gym goers, non gym goers and ladies, incorporate protein in your diet and replenish yourself with energy and a ‘feel good’ feeling!


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