Rs. 92 crore salary has been given to the employees till now through HKRN

Rs. 51 crore paid to 22,000 workers in the month of May

In the month of April, 19,148 employees were given an amount of Rs. 41 crore as salary.

Chandigarh, June 19– The salary of the employees working on contract basis in various departments in Haryana is now being paid directly into their accounts through the online portal of Haryana Kaushal Rojgar Nigam (HKRN).

        A spokesperson of the Haryana Government said that in the month of May, 22,000 employees have been paid Rs. 51 crore. He said that till now a total salary of Rs. 92 crore has been paid into the accounts of the employees through the Corporation.

        The spokesperson said that the data of employees of most Departments has been put on HKRN.  The government has now decided to release the salary of these personnel from the portal.  Till now, salaries were being released through the headquarters of different departments, but now in the new system, the salary will be given through the portal.

        The spokesperson said that HKRN has been formed for the appointment of employees on contract basis in government Departments and Undertakings.  Apart from this, the data of existing employees working on contract basis has also been uploaded on this portal.

        He said that transparency is being ensured in the process of engagement of employees on contract basis through Kaushal Rozgar Nigam and through this focus is also being laid on the upliftment of socio-economically disadvantaged candidates.


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