The full moon of Ashwin month is called Sharad Purnima. Despite the fact that the full moon falls every month, the importance of Sharad Purnima is more among them. This full moon is additionally exceptional in the sacredness of Hinduism. Sharad Purnima is seen as a celebration of bliss and joy.

1. Sri Rama is known as 12 Bhavas and Yogiraj Shri Krishna as 16 Bhavas. It is mandatory to experience these 16 forms of Shri Krishna in 16 full periods of the Moon. When the full moon is seen, people try to see his shadow. Shri Krishna is a symbol that he has erased all the badelements of the mind. The moon, with its 16 Bhavas, which are the 16 days of Sattva, when one ascends to the sky in a constellation, is called Sharad Purnima.

2. This night is known for love. In relation to love, it is common to add the names of Banke Bihari, Natwar Lal, Makhanchor, Kanha. The festival is unique to Banke Bihari’s city of Mathura and Vrindavan. On this day Banke Bihari played Maha Raas along the banks of the Yamuna with the Gopis and Radharani.

3. These gopis were sages of ancient times. Individuals who had atoned for a very long time. Therefore, God vowed to take care of them with his adoration. For this, he chose to accompany each of them. After which, on the holy evening of Sharad Purnima, after being submerged with the peace of the Moon, the Maharas was practised all night.

4. It is said that even today Lord Krishna visits the earth on Vraj. In addition, all the gopis dance to the tune of their Banshee.

5. It is accepted that on Sharad Purnima, Shri Krishna Maharas is made in Vanshi Vatsa of Vrindavan. Sharad Purnima, along with his gopis, was first celebrated here by Sri Krishna. That is why this date is called ‘Raas Purnima’.

6. The event is that while looking for Shri Krishna, as Lord Vishnu appeared, his Bharata Mahalakshmi reached the wood of Vanshi on this night. Similarly it has been said that whoever presents Lakshmi Sukta during the night in view of the lunar of Sharad Purnima, there is no lack of abundance in his life.