These 8 habits can make you extra fat


In our daily routine, we often ignore actions that pay harm to our bodies. In our daily lives, the human body works like a machine all day and performs multi-tasks and meets our dead ends.

Particular work patterns can be responsible for making us gain unhealthy extra calories, leading to sagging bellies and frustrations. Obesity increases the chances of catching health problems such as heart diseases, diabetes, and even chances of detecting liver problems.

Fortunately, by adopting a simple and healthy lifestyle you can protect yourself from falling into the fat – trap.  Here are several work habits that you can change to lead a healthier and happier life.

Sitting for long hours:
Sometimes sitting for long on one chair can be your enemy. An inactive life is a major reason to gain extra weight.  The long working hours refer to no rest, no physical activity, no regular meals which slow down the metabolism rate and weaken the body even more.  So to overcome this you need to take meals on time and take breaks in between your working hours at least every two hours.

Skipping meals:
When we skip meals then it can put our body into fat-storage mode, increasing hunger. As per the studies, it concluded that people who skip breakfast are 4.5 times more likely to be obese than people who eat regular meals. Breakfast is the main part of our body, so if you skip the start meal then you are likely to gain weight. Eat breakfast on time to kick start your metabolism speedily.

Late-night working hours:
Late-night working hours have a harmful effect on your body as your body doesn’t get adequate sleep and the food that is required to boost the metabolism. This tends to overeat.  Many studies have developed that people who eat dinner just before bedtime tend to gain more calories as they lie down after the last meal. When we lie down for dinner, the food takes a longer time to digest and it forms fat.

Eating untimely:
Every profession requires dedication towards their role in which people forget about their healthy lifestyle. Unplanned meetings, tours, and deadlines create the environment when a person eats at work, or the airport, anywhere, and grabs what’s convenient, which is mostly junk food as homemade meals are not present. So we should prepare the meals the night before as a backup so that we eat healthy instead of that processed food. There are very easy and quick recipes which you can make before leaving for your work.

Not enough vitamin D:
Experts said that vitamin D is very necessary for the body, and we have sunlight, a natural source of vitamin D which regulates your body’s circadian rhythm, which maintains an efficient use of energy throughout the day.  So go for a walk for at least 15 minutes or sit under the sunlight and work on your laptops. Don’t stay indoors for an entire day; it makes your body lazy and weaker.

Eating in hurry:
Most of us eat food in a hurry of fewer than 15 minutes which means that our body is not eating according to hunger. As our brain takes 15 minutes for our stomach to signal to our brain that we are full.  So this movement can make us eat despite being full.  We should eat slowly and by this, we will eat one-third less than normal.

Less hydration:
When you don’t drink enough water throughout the day. As our body requires 8-10 glasses of water and other beverages or fruits that contain water are necessary for the body.

Lack of nutrients:
When we skip meals and switch to junk food then our body doesn’t get enough proteins or nutrients that are required to boost the immune system and to lead a healthy lifestyle.