Thyroid related ailments can be treated through a balanced diet and medication. Research studies described that, at a higher rate, thyroid problems are mostly developed in women than men and the cause of this disease is mainly a stressful lifestyle.
However, there are no methods to reverse autoimmune thyroid disorders which is the most common thyroid disorder but it can be cured with diet and medication.
Experts say, at an early stage sometimes there are no visible signs so as a precaution both men and women should get a thyroid test done at regular intervals, mainly those having a positive family history, recent pregnancy and childbirth.
Some foods that can help to treat or prevent thyroid ailments:
Lack of Iodine:
Is the most antioxidant naturally found in our bodies in an adequate amount. The reasons behind the low levels of glutathione are stress, poor diet, or exposure to environmental toxins. When the oxidative stress increases the severity of hypothyroidism increases, and glutathione fights this oxidative stress.
During a research analysis experts found that selenium, when added to conventional treatment of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, improved biomarkers of a thyroid condition. It is found in meat, fish, eggs etc.
Curcumin is a well-known bioactive ingredient present in turmeric. It has countless health benefits,such as to prevent autoimmune diseases. Curcumin contains anti-inflammatory properties to fight Hashimoto’s disease.
Say no to stress:
As discussed above, stress is a main element of developing thyroid disorder, so keeping stress at bay can maintain a stronger balance in your hormone levels and can reverse hypothyroidism.
Peptide therapy:
Researchers found that peptide therapy is a safe method of curing certain health disorders. Peptides refers to the use of proteins that has recently gained popularity as a treatment for hypothyroidism.
Meditation is one of the easiest methods to get relief from stress and reduce signs of hypothyroidism.
Enough sleep:
Eight hours of sleep is required to bust stress the next day. For better sleep, try limiting blue light exposure an hour before bedtime.