When we talk about Indian food, it is seen that almost everything is cooked in mustard oil. This is because it is available in abundance and is very beneficial for the health. All the refined oils can harm the body but mustard oil makes the body healthy instead. It is available easily in almost every shop across India. From vegetarian to non-vegetarian food, everything can be cooked in mustard oil. Apart from cooking, it is used by people in their daily lives for massaging and relieving headache. With the pandemic hitting the country, it has become important to maintain our health. Consuming mustard oil can be a good way to do that as it consists mono saturated fatty acids which balance the amount of cholesterol in the body, thereby, making us healthy.

Here are some other benefits of the oil:

1. Improves The Heart: Mustard oil consists of alpha- linolenic acid. It helps prevent stroke and heart diseases.
2. Cure For Ringworm: The oil has anti- bacterial and anti-fungal properties which can help eliminate the growth of a ringworm. It has Omega 3 and Vitamin E which strengthens our immune system.
3. Solution For Cough and Cold: Mustard oil is a great solution for a blocked nose. In case of a cold and cough, one can heat some oil and massage the feet with it. It help relieve the symptoms.
4. Helps Get Rid Of Joint Problems: Mustard oil is effective in reducing inflammation. It has Omega 3 which have soothing properties. Thus, people with arthritis are recommended to use mustard oil on a daily basis for massage.
5. Balances Cholesterol: Mustard oil has several nutrients which can benefit the body and reduce the high cholesterol in the body. It makes the body fit and healthy.


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