UV Rays: 7 Ways to Protect Your Skin


In summer people enjoy spending a lot of time outdoors. But while performing outdoor activities, one should keep in mind that the Ultra violet rays harm the skin, eyes, and hair scalp. Especially, the kids should indeed be shielded from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. Everyone needs to be subjected to the sun in order to create vitamin D, which helps with calcium intake for stronger and healthier bones. And it’s essential to keep in mind that exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a significant contributor to both skin cancer and blindness. Unpatched sun exposure can have negative consequences for the skin, eyesight, and immune response.

What should be done to prevent UV rays?

Preventive methods like reducing or avoiding UV exposure can keep the following illnesses like skin cancer, cataracts, and early aging, to name a few at bay.


These 4 Sunburn Signs which hint that you should take prevention measures:

  • The face starts to turn red.
  • It’s heated and constricted.
  • There may be some soreness and suffering.
  • A strong burn can lead to blistering and skin tearing.


7 Strategies for Safeguarding Your Skin from UV Ray Damage:

  • Apply a good amount of broad-spectrum sunscreen that contains water-resistant and has an SPF of at least 30 to shield yourself from UVA and UVB radiation.
  • Whenever you step out of your home, dress protectively by donning tank tops, pants, a helmet with a brimmed hat, and sunglasses. A UV protection factor should be found on clothing.
  • Include a good amount of Vitamin D, in your child’s diet. Even, older people and youngsters should also apply sunscreen and sunglasses to prevent rays.
  • When near sand, snow, or water, exercise extra caution. They deflect the sun’s UV radiation. For example, you can become more prone to burning.
  • Adopt a nutritious diet that might possibly contain vitamins and supplements to get the recommended amount of vitamin D.
  • Don’t use a tanning bed. Cancer and aging can be brought on by tanning beds and exposure to ultraviolet first from the sun.
  • Use lip balm that has at least SPF 15 to your lip to safeguard them.
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