Women have higher chances to develop Lifestyle chronic diseases


A major problem in the world’s public health is chronic illnesses. In accordance with the World Health Organization, by 2030, severe lifestyle illnesses would be responsible for 70 percent of all fatalities worldwide. Because of bad lifestyles, women everywhere have special health issues. Because it is ingrained in most women to put their family first, they frequently ignore their own health. And if they are working women attempting to juggle jobs and homes, this is even worse. Managing your time between work and home needs tremendous expertise.

There are various reasons that make you unwell including abnormal eating habits, missed meals, inadequate sleep, stress, inactivity, addictions, and unhealthy interpersonal connections, all of which could lead to the emergence of lifestyle illnesses.

Heath problems that we develop due to our sedentary lifestyle are cardiovascular disease, stroke, insulin, overweight, metabolic syndrome, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and some forms of cancer. They place a tremendous financial strain on health services since they may result in loss of freedom, years of infirmity, or death.

Here are the other factors that contribute to developing chronic diseases at an early stage:

  • Age

Diabetes and cardiovascular disease are major health risks for women starting around age 35. One most common reasons for death that may be prevented among women is heart disease.

  • Menopause

By raising HDL (good) cholesterol and lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol during menopause, a woman’s own oestrogen can shield her from lifestyle illnesses, including heart disease. After menopause, women’s cholesterol level levels increase more than men’s.

  • Diabetes

With health conditions including overweight, hypertension, and high cholesterol, diabetes makes women especially susceptible to heart problems. In women who have previously experienced a heart attack, diabetes raises the likelihood of a secondary attack and heart failure.

  • Metabolic syndrome

Cardiovascular disease, stroke, and diabetic are much more likely to strike women who do have insulin resistance, which comprises a big waist, elevated blood pressure, glucose intolerance, low HDL cholesterol, and high triglycerides.

Precautions to be taken to stay away from health ailment:

Long term illness risk is reduced by 80% by maintaining a healthy weight, engaging in regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, and quitting smoking. All lifestyle illnesses, often known as silent killers, are caused by a poor lifestyle since they frequently start in childhood, progress slowly over time, and appear suddenly.