Yoga and Ayurveda tips to maintain lung health

World Lung Day 2022: The lungs are one of the body’s most important organs, helping to remove toxic carbon dioxide and other impurities while assisting in the delivery of oxygen to the body’s other organs. Some of the outside variables that could have a negative effect on our lung health include COVID-19, increasing air pollution, and exposure to other hazardous chemicals.

The channel of breathing, or Prana Vaha Srotas, according to Ayurveda, is stored in the lung. The proper operation of the Prana channels is the responsibility of the Vata and Kapha entities. For efficient respiratory functioning, it is crucial to keep both entities in balance without allowing a rise in either of them.

Tips from yoga and ayurveda to strengthen the lungs

Here are a few Ayurvedic suggestions you can use in your everyday life to improve your respiratory health.



A poor diet and exercise routine may cause a dosha imbalance and respiratory problems. Therefore, maintaining respiratory wellness requires a proper diet and routine.

The hara, the food you eat, is essential for preserving lung health.

Satmya Bhojana: Eating the right foods at the right times, paying attention to portion size because this affects how well your Agni, or metabolism, works and is a crucial sign of lung health. According to Ayurveda, the Udana Vata, which regulates healthy breathing, comes from the gut, or Amashaya. Therefore, eating healthy contributes to greater lung health.

A food that isn’t extremely pungent or sweet is required because these traits increase the vata and kapha doshas. Diet that isn’t influenced by any prevailing taste.

Control your unctuousness: It’s important to keep an eye on your diet’s unctuousness level when you’re eating. For the health of your lungs, choose foods that are neither too dry nor too oily.

Eating in a clean setting: Eating in a clean, smoke- and dust-free environment is equally vital.



Pranayama: The different pranayama practices, together with the breathing techniques outlined in yoga, are excellent ways to clear the Prana Vaha Srotas and cleanse the channels of the respiratory system.

Nasya: The vital breath, or Prana Vayu, enters the body through the nose and is essential for preserving the health of the lungs. Nasya, or the instillation of plant oils, is one of the most important holistic self-care techniques in Ayurveda, since it promotes healthy Prana flow and internal purification. Nasya aids in clearing out extra mucus from the sinuses and lubricating the nasal passages. Anu Thailam, a traditional Nasya oil, balances Kapha and aids in clearing accumulated doshas for healthier breathing.

Dhumapana: In the Dinacharya, the Acharyas speak of the necessity of Dhumapana as a type of medical fumigation or an inhaler containing medicine to rid the pathway of harmful innervation.

Exercise control: While exercise is important, overdoing it, particularly with intense aerobic workouts, can result in Vata imbalances and a distorted respiratory system.

Limit your exposure to air conditioners: Although they clean and cleanse the air, long-term exposure without adequate ventilation can lead to irregularities of the Vata and Kapha doshas as well as other respiratory diseases.

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