4 tips to overcome vitamin D deficiency

A lack of vitamin D can have a subtle negative impact on your physical and emotional well-being. Sunlight, eggs, vegetables, fatty fish, red meat, and other foods contain the sunshine vitamin, however there are more people becoming vitamin D deficient for a variety of reasons. Surprising causes of Vitamin D insufficiency include staying indoors all day, using excessive amounts of sunscreen, and avoiding fat. As you are aware, the body requires the vital vitamin for a number of processes, including the absorption of calcium, which has an immediate effect on bone health. Get your vitamin D levels evaluated if you are always tired and getting sick more frequently.

Dietary recommendations and lifestyle tactics to address vitamin D deficiency:

There are two types of vitamin D: Vitamin D2 obtained from plants, and vitamin D3 obtained from sunlight and animal diet. Food sources include cod liver, whole eggs, fortified milk, cereals, and fatty fish.

• To obtain a suitable amount of Vitamin D, walking in the sun for ten to fifteen minutes, preferably between eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon, is sufficient.

• Watering the plants every day or taking up gardening as a pastime might assist plants receive sun exposure.

• Eating a balanced diet that includes vitamin D sources will aid in obtaining the dietary sources as well.

• Surya Namaskar practice might also assist you in getting the necessary sunlight.

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